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A Level

Two Years

شروط القبول

GCSE Grade 4 in English with an average points score of 3.2 or above with an interest in the subject.

طريقة التقييم

This course is assessed by practical work (60%) and a practical exam (40%).

About this course

This course is ideal for learners who have a specific interest in the opportunity to explore a range of exciting media and graphic communication areas of work such as: illustration, printmaking, typographical design, digital layout design, packaging visualisation, poster advertising, zines and a variety of mixed media applications. Learners will develop skills in the process of Graphic Communication creative thinking, personal investigation planning and progression and the use of specialist design software specific to the subject. There is, also, the opportunity for learners to engage with employability, Higher Education and cultural venues specific to the course.

قيادة منطقة الدورة

Emma Lattimore

Who is this aimed at?

The course is aimed at student who:

  • Have a specific interest in the visual arts.

  • Would like to have a more applied element to their art.

  • Enjoy the challenge of visualising their ideas and feelings using a wide range of media.

  • Would like to prepare for study of the subject at a higher level.

  • Enjoy the challenge of analaysing and evaluating design and graphics in the commerical world.

What will you learn?

What skills will you develop?

Professional development

This course would prepare you for a variety of progressional pathways including advertising, packaging design, design for print, illustration, communication graphics, branding, multimedia, motion graphics, design for film and television.

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