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John Leggott College Photography student taking a photo


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The Enrichment programme at John Leggott College is referred to as 'Extended Opportunities' and covers a number of extra-curricular activities to enhance the learner experience. There are opportunities to engage in different activities to learn new skills, improve on existing skills and discover new interests. Our Extended Opportunities programme allows our learners to meet new people with similar hobbies and interests. Our provision is split into four strands to allow personal development and also allow for professional develop to support their dreams goals and aspirations. We would like all of our learners to explore and investigate new life experiences and challenge to step out of a comfort zone in a safe and supportive environment.

Our provision extends to wider participation in the local community and also extensively with educational and recreational trips and visits. We empower our learners to shape their own John Leggott College experience by attending, running and launching their own societies to leave a JLC legacy behind.



The extended opportunities programme is designed to meet the needs of our students and changes year on year; so there is always something to interest everyone.

As part of extended opportunities, you will take part in an enrichment which compliments your course choices and will help you with your future progression.

We strongly encourage students to take part in our Extended Opportunities provision, whether you're looking to try something new or meet like minded people.

If you are a current student and would like any more information, please visit The Hub.


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We have lots of clubs and societies available for students to join, here are a few:

  • Anime

  • Book Club

  • Chess Club

  • Dungeons and Dragons

  • Feminist Society

  • Journalism Internship

  • French Society

  • Gaming Club

  • LGBTQ+

  • Model Train Society

  • Musical Theatre

  • Photography

  • Uke Jam

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