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A John Leggott college student sat at a table


Two John leggott College students laughing in Society Street Kitchen

Giving students
a safe environment

John Leggott College는 모든 학습자의 복지를 증진하고 보호하기 위한 도덕적 및 법적 의무를 인식합니다. 우리 학생들이 여기 John Leggott College에서 안전하고 지원받으며 행복하다고 느끼는 것이 우리에게 정말 중요합니다. 대학 내에는 학생들이 정신적, 신체적, 정서적으로 건강하도록 전담하는 팀이 있습니다. 팀은 학습자를 돕고 지원하기 위해 교사 및 목회 직원과 긴밀히 협력합니다. 팀은 또한 여러 외부 기관과 긴밀히 협력하여 학생들이 가능한 최상의 조언을 받을 수 있도록 합니다. 이러한 서비스는 등록부터 대학 졸업까지 언제든지 이용할 수 있습니다.

Meet the Team

Claire Holmes Deputy Principal Headshot.JPG


Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Principal

Location: A Block


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Pastoral & Safeguarding Manager

Location: The Pastoral Office


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Pastoral Lead

Location: The Pastoral Office

Hayley Farrell_edited_edited_edited.png



Location: The LSA Office


Wellbeing Officer

Location: The Wellbeing Office


Mental Health Officer

Location: The Wellbeing Office


Mental Health 

Location: The Wellbeing Office

Reporting a Safeguarding Concern

귀하가 부모이고 보호 관련 우려 사항을 신고하고 싶은 경우 다음 연락처로 문의하십시오

급하게 상담을 원하시면 전화주세요

01724 282998. 귀하가 학생이고 보호 관련 우려 사항을 신고하고 싶다면 대학 교직원 누구에게나 이야기할 수 있습니다.

A student in lesson working

Our Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined for the purposes of this guidance as:

  • protecting children from maltreatment

  • preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development 

  • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and

  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.


Children includes everyone under the age of 18. 

Safeguarding Files

In line with Keeping Children Safe in Education it is a requirement that schools and colleges share relevant safeguarding information or files with the education provision that student moves to. If schools or colleges are aware that their students are progressing onto JLC, please get in touch with the safeguarding team at to arrange the transfer of files. 

John leggott college staff members working together

If you have any safeguarding concerns or queries that you need to share with the college, please get in touch:

Call us: 01724 282998

Email us:

Please state whether the enquiry is urgent.


If you are working with a student who is involved in any social care meetings, looked after reviews or any other safeguarding meetings, do contact the college and we will arrange for a representative of the college to attend. 


If any professionals wish to visit a student at the college, or arrange a meeting onsite with a student then please contact us via email.

for Professionals

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