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JLC students sat in the Arc


Your Learner Journey

John Leggott koledže studentams teikiame holistinę paramą, kad jie galėtų sėkmingai pereiti prie pasirinktos karjeros ir ateities siekių. „Besimokančiųjų kelių“ komandoje turime specialią karjeros patarėjų komandą, kuri dirba su mūsų studentais individualiai, kad padėtų jiems tolesniuose jų besimokančiojo kelionės etapuose.

Vyriausybė skatina kolegijas naudoti Gatsby etalonus siekiant pagerinti karjeros galimybes. Šie etalonai yra geriausios praktikos pavyzdys. 

John Leggott College Progress Tutor Session.

Discover your future self

  • Personalised Career Guidance: Every student will have access to one-to-one careers support with a Level 6 qualified Careers Development Professional.

  • Dedicated Careers Support: Our Careers Leadership team, including Progress Tutors and Aspire Programme leaders, will support students in planning and achieving their career goals, with a focus on employability skills, work experience, and apprenticeship opportunities.

  • Workplace Experiences: We offer opportunities for all students to engage in meaningful work experience placements that align with their career aspirations.

  • Industry Engagement: Students will interact with local and national employers through guest lectures, careers fairs, employer panels, and networking events to gain insight into a range of industries and professions.

  • Higher Education Support: Comprehensive guidance is provided on university applications, including tailored support for Early Entry UCAS applicants through our Aspirer Programme. Students will participate in university visits, application workshops, and interview preparation sessions.

  • Apprenticeships and Alternative Pathways: In addition to higher education, we offer advice and guidance on apprenticeships, gap years, and other post-16 and post-18 pathways, ensuring that students explore all available options.

  • Skills for Success: Through the "Upskill" Programme, students will develop transferable skills that are highly sought after by both employers and higher education institutions. This programme focuses on areas such as leadership, communication, critical thinking, and teamwork.

A john leggott college student with a careers advisor

The Baker

Beikerio sąlyga buvo įvesta 2018 m. sausio mėn. kaip 2017 m. Techninio ir tolesnio mokymo įstatymo pakeitimas. Bakerio sąlyga numato, kad mokyklos turi leisti kolegijoms ir mokymo paslaugų teikėjams patekti į kiekvieną 8–13 metų mokinį, kad aptartų neakademinius maršrutus. jiems. Tikimasi, kad tai padės išspręsti JK produktyvumo problemas ir spręsti įgūdžių trūkumo problemas keliuose ekonomikos sektoriuose.

The Gatsby

Stabilios karjeros programa

Mokymasis iš karjeros ir darbo rinkos informacijos

Kiekvieno mokinio poreikių tenkinimas

Mokymosi programos susiejimas su karjera

Susitikimai su darbdaviais ir darbuotojais

Darbo vietų patirtis

Susidūrimai su tolimesniu ir aukštesniuoju išsilavinimu

Asmeninis patarimas

Tai lengva.

Dabartinė karjeros programa peržiūrima po Learner Pathways komandos pertvarkymo. Mes vertiname programą pagal Gatsby etalonus ir CDI sistemą, naudodamiesi mūsų mokinių, jų tėvų ar globėjų ir išorinių suinteresuotųjų šalių atsiliepimais. Ši peržiūra atliekama kasmet, o atsiliepimus apibendrina Mokymosi kelių komanda, siekdama informuoti ir sustiprinti karjeros programą.  Žiūrėkite toliau karjeros programos pavyzdį. Jei norite sužinoti daugiau apie dabartinę karjeros programą, susisiekite su Samantha Robinson, karjeros vadove

Spustelėkite čia kad peržiūrėtumėte koledžo karjeros programos pavyzdį.

JLC Careers

We believe in involving parents and guardians in our students' careers journeys. Events such as parent information evenings and employer engagement events are held to provide insight into the pathways available to their children and how they can best support them.


John Leggott College staff working together

Key programme events

  • Annual Careers & Progression Fair (October 2024): A key event where students can meet and network with a wide variety of employers, apprenticeship providers, and universities.

  • HE & Apprenticeship Application Workshops (Throughout the Year): Regular workshops focusing on personal statements, CV writing, and interview skills.

  • Employer Engagement Activities (Termly): Sessions involving guest speakers from various industries, including interactive Q&A opportunities to learn about different career sectors.

  • Progression Planning Sessions (Termly): Career planning sessions delivered by Progress Tutors, ensuring students set and review their career goals, explore progression options, and prepare for life beyond college.

  • Mock Interviews and Assessment Centres (Spring Term): Interactive sessions to help students prepare for university interviews, apprenticeship assessments, and job applications.

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