About this course
This course is ideal for learners who have an interest in developing their understanding of the English legal system. Students will explore a range of topics from murder to manslaughter, insanity to intoxication. We look at how laws are made, how to enter the profession and what sentences can be given to offenders. In Tort Law we discover the rules surrounding negligence and many other areas. In the second year, the exploration of Human Rights will help students to develop an awareness of the rights and freedoms we enjoy, but equally how they can be restricted. We develop a strong ability to identify key legal principles from cases and then use our knowledge to evaluate certain aspects of law, or apply our knowledge to scenarios.d topical issues

Lucy McKenzie
Who is this aimed at?
This course is aimed at students who:
Would like to go into a career where Law would be beneficial, Police, the legal system etc
Would like to progress to Higher Education to study Law
Would like to develop knowledge and skills for the further study of law, and related subjects, such as business
Would like to develop knowledge of the law in England, and an awareness of law in a European and global context
What will you learn?
The Legal System and Criminal Law: Introduces learners to how our English legal system operates: judges, courts, sentencing powers, civil court claims, solicitors, barristers, legal executives - the list goes on!
Criminal law covers substantive content such as fatal offences, property offences, non fatal offences and a range of defences.
Law Making and the Law of Tort: Introduces learners to how our laws are actually made! the process in parliament, delegated legislation, judicial precedent and the creative ways in which judges can interpret law. Tort law covers an array of interesting civil laws such as negligence, occupiers liability, nuisance.. and lots more!
The Nature of law and Human Rights: This part of the course enables learners to develop their understanding of the rights that we enjoy as citizens in the UK, due to following the European Convention on Human Rights. We discover issues surrounding fair trials, liberty and private, family life. Nature of Law strengthens learners' abilities to discuss the relationship between law and morals and debate whether the law achieves justice.
What skills will you develop?
Exam Techniques
Self Confidence
Creativity & Problem
Solving Responsibility
Focus Time
Independent Study
Revision Skills
Seeks Challenge
Self Motivation
Professional development
Legal Executive
Legal Secretary
Law with Criminology
Police Force
Business Management
Banking and Finance