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John Leggott College Students in student



Svarbu, kad studentai kolegijoje jaustųsi saugūs, palaikomi ir laimingi. Daugiau informacijos apie mūsų apsaugos politiką galite sužinotičia.

A John Leggott College student in lesson

Meet the Team


Turime daugybę komandų, kurios dirba kartu, kad palaikytų jūsų gerovę. Kiekvienam studentui paskiriamas pažangos dėstytojas, kuris bus pirmasis kontaktinis taškas. Jei esate studentas, jei turite problemų arba norite su kuo nors pasikalbėti, susisiekite su savo pažangos mokytoju.

We aim to ensure that financial issues do not stand in the way when it comes to studying, therefore we offer a range of financial assistance.

John leggott Students in college enjoying lesson.

Support is just a click away

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Here are some useful links for information and tips on mindfulness. If you need any further support in college, please let us know.

Self Care

Taking care of yourself is important for your physical and mental health. Here are some useful links for information and tips on self care.

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Mental Health

Here are some useful links for information and tips on mental health to help you as you get started at college.

JLC Every Student Model
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