About this course
This course is ideal for learners who have studied the language at GCSE or have family living in France. The course will build learners’ confidence and enhance language skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Topics include the changing nature of the family, music and cinema in the French speaking world and aspects of French political life and society.
You could complement your studies with enrichment activities including the French club or the Culture society.

Maisie Krebs
Who is this aimed at?
This course is aimed at students who:
Would like to continue the study of a language previously taken to GCSE level
Enjoy learning languages and are keen to exchange ideas in French
Enjoy travelling to France and other French speaking countries and learning about their people and places
Have an open mind to another culture and outlook on life
Are interested in wider European issues
Would like to broaden their skills and add a qualification which is attractive to employers
Would like to progress to higher education to study French or another language
Speaking a foreign language is a valuable skill in many professions and students go on to careers within business and management, travel and tourism, media, banking, teaching and interpreting.
What will you learn?
Core Units:
Aspects of French-speaking society: Current trends
Aspects of French-speaking society: Current issues
Artistic culture in the French-speaking world
Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world
One text and one film
Individual research project
What skills will you develop?
Analysing texts both written and spoken
Reading strategies
Essay writing
Meeting deadlines
Literacy and oracy in the target language
and English
Communication skills
Application of digital technologies
Professional development
Languages & Logistics
Civil Servant
MFL Teacher
International Marketing