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ဝင်ခွင့် လိုအပ်ချက်များ

GCSE Grade 5 in Science and Maths, grade 4 in English with an average points score of 4.9 or above.


This course is assessed by exams.

About this course

This course is ideal for learners who have an interest in the structure and formation of the Earth and the dynamic processes which affect the world we live in. Within the course students will learn about earthquakes, plate tectonics, geological structures, the rock cycle, the Earth’s structure and the metallic mineral deposits.

Students will have the opportunity to go on trips and visits in this subject area to complement the course.

သင်တန်း ဧရိယာ ဦးဆောင်

Abi Morrison

Who is this aimed at?

This course is aimed at students who:

  • Discover the causes of catastrophic events, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides and mass extinctions

  • Find out how the Earth was formed, and what it is like inside

  • Investigate the strange variety of life that existed before humans, and find out why mass extinctions happen

  • Learn how to research and make accurate observations in the lab and in the field

  • Combine Geology with any other subject, but particularly Geography, Physics, Biology, Chemistry and History

What will you learn?

Core Units:

  • Unit 1 Practical skills in geology: a minimum of 4 days fieldwork is an essential component of the A Level course and will be assessed in a written exam.

  • Unit 2 Foundations in geology: fossils and time; minerals and rocks

  • Unit 3 Global tectonics: earth structure; plate tectonics and geological structures

  • Unit 4 Interpreting the past: sedimentary environments in time and geochronology

  • Unit 5 Petrology and economic geology: applied sedimentology; fluids and geological processes; igneous petrology; metamorphic petrology; mining geology

  • Unit 6 Geohazards: geohazards; engineering geology

  • Unit 7 Basin analysis: key concepts in basin analysis; basin analysis in practice

What skills will you develop?

  • Comparison

  • Literacy

  • Oracy

  • Confidence

  • Practice

  • Collaboration

  • Lab skills

  • Time management

  • Meeting deadlines

  • Effort

  • Systems

  • Ideological debate

  • Narrative analysis

  • Contextualisation

  • Evaluative criticism

  • Creativity

  • Metacognition

Professional development

Earth Science

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