About this course
This course is ideal for learners who have an interest in social issues and the causes of social problems. Students will learn about how our behaviour is affected by the people around us and the impact that social change has had on our society. The course looks at topics such as culture, identity, socialisation and many more.
You could complement your studies with enrichment activities including work experience or our Debating society.

Stephanie Preen
Who is this aimed at?
This course is aimed at students who:
Have an interest in social issues and social problems
Enjoy studying issues relevant to their own lives and experiences
Like airing their views, but are also willing to listen to others
Would like to know more about this country and other societies
Would like to know how our behaviour is affected by people around us
Would like to progress to employment in areas such as Law or Social Work
Would like to progress to Higher Education to study a degree in a Social Science subject
What will you learn?
Socialisation and Culture: How is culture transmitted to you? How do you develop your sense of identify? Why is culture so diverse and how has our idea of culture changed?
Families and Households: What is a family? How has the family changed over time? Is the family in decline? What trends in marriage, divorce, birth, and death rates can we identify?
Education with theory and methods: What are the roles of education system? How does class, ethnicity and gender effect educational attainment? How has the education system changed?
Methods of Sociological Enquiry: How is sociological research undertaken by Sociologists? Why is sociological research important in measuring societal trends and changes?
Beliefs in Society: What are sociological explanations of religion? What is the relationship between social change and religion? What is the significance of religion in a contemporary society?
Crime and Deviance: Who commits the most crime and why? In what way does the media have an influence on crime? What have governments done to combat a rising crime rate?
What skills will you develop?
Recall of knowledge
Application of knowledge to real life scenarios
Cross-module links
Collaborative discussion and debate
Independent work
Meeting deadlines
Research skills
Knowledge of skills for HE
Professional development
Speech and Language Therapist
Social Work
Criminal Justice System