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Oxford University Success - Lauren

Student Lauren, formerly of Frederick Gough School, has secured an offer from Oxford this year. We asked Lauren to tell us a little bit about her plans.

What have you applied to study?

“I will be studying biochemistry at Oxford university at The Queens college. Currently, I am studying biology, chemistry, and maths at a-level and hope to do work with genetic diseases and genetic editing in the future.

What extra curricular activities do you do?

“Part of my spare time includes playing and teaching piano and playing volleyball at college.”

Why did you apply to Oxford University?

“I joined the aspire programme at the start of college and it was there I realised that Oxford could be possible. My Aspire tutors have been incredibly helpful and supportive throughout the entire process of applying. I have been interested in chemistry for a long time and how these processes happen inside organisms which lead me to the biochemistry course. By reading many magazines and books about biochemistry I found myself drawn to it and easy to write about in my personal statement which I felt helped for my application to Oxford.”

Any advice for future students?

“Advice for other students would be to make sure you enjoy the subject and finding out more information about it, as this will make it so much easier for writing about your subject in your personal statement and during the interview process.”

We wish Lauren good luck in achieving her dreams!

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