About this course
The purpose of the T Level in Education and Childcare is to ensure students have the knowledge and skills needed to progress into skilled employment or higher-level technical training. Students will be equipped with the core knowledge and skills relevant to education and childcare; up-to-date occupational knowledge and skills; necessary English, mathematics and digital skills and threshold competence that meets employer expectations and is as close to full occupational competence as possible. To support students in meeting this occupational competence they are required to complete a minimum of 750 hours industry placement.
T Levels have been developed in collaboration with employers to meet industry needs. They are a Level 3 qualification equivalent to 3 A Levels and offer you a balance of classroom theory, practical learning and a hands-on industry placement.
The programme of study features a combination of classroom learning and an industry placement. As part of the course, you will participate in 750 hours of placement in an early year’s setting. This will enable you to become confident in your work with children. Universities are very positive about the quantity and quality of the placement hours you will gain, as you will start your higher education journey with key skills that other applicants do not have. You will learn all the key aspects of child development and how to support children's development through practical activities. How to support equality and promote diversity with children, how to work with families and professionals and how to support children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Sophie Underhill
Who is this aimed at?
This course is aimed at students who:
Would like to progress onto a HE course which would assist in progressing to a child related occupation e.g Early years or Child Psychology.
An opportunity to have a programme with a combination of classroom learning and an industry placement. As part of the course, you will participate in 750 hours of placement in an early year’s setting. This will enable you to become confident in your work with children. Universities are very positive about the quantity and quality of the placement hours you will gain, as you will start your higher education journey with key skills that other applicants do not have.
An opportunity to build crucial employability skills, You will learn all the key aspects of child development and how to support children's development through practical activities. How to support equality and promote diversity with children, how to work with families and professionals and how to support children with special educational needs and disabilities.
What will you learn?
Supporting education
Health and safety and wellbeing
Parents, families and carers
Child development
Observation and assessment
Reflective practice
Equality and diversity
Special educational needs and disability
English as an additional language
Early years educator OR Assisting teaching specialism
What skills will you develop?
Professional development
Nursery Worker
Early Years Practitioner
Early Years Educator
Teaching Assistant
Learning Mentor
Teaching Assistant,
Child Psychology
Child Protection Officer