About this course
This course is ideal for learners who are passionate about music! Whether that may be playing an instrument or singing, if you have a love of popular music in its broadest sense then this course is for you. The course is designed to develop students’ emerging performance skills to the next level and fully prepare the student for a future in the music industry, or simply for the enjoyment of studying music in more depth.
Regular performances are a key feature of the department and all students will be involved as ensemble members and/or soloists.
You can complement your studies with 1:1 lessons offered in partnership with the North Lincolnshire Music Service in all instrumental families, piano and voice.
Enrichment activities are also offered including Jazz Rock Band, Orchestra, Wind Band, Mixed Voice Choir and further Music Grades.

Emma Lattimore
Who is this aimed at?
This course is aimed at students who:
Enjoy playing an instrument or singing and would like to take their performance to a higher level
Would like to study music but didn’t get the chance to do so at school
Would like to take up a career in the Music Industry in one of a multitude of professional roles ranging from performance to arts admin
What will you learn?
This course consists of 3 mandatory units in Ensemble Performance, Music Notation & Composition and Professional Behaviours in the Music Industry. There is a further own choice unit in Solo Performance, Composition or Session Skills. During the 2 year course you will develop your collaborative and performance skills, explore the various roles and responsibilities in the Music Industry, organise your own concerts and write your own music. This is a practically based course with performance at its heart.
What skills will you develop?
Analysing and evaluating live theatre
Problem solving
Decision Making
Attention to Detail
Team work
Organisational skills
Creative thinking
Public speaking
Professional development
Peri Music Teacher
Orchestra Player
Army Musician
West End Pit Musician
Dance/Drama/Music Therapist
Stage Management
Music BTEC develops transferable skills for numerous other subjects: our students have progressed on to various different pathways including business degrees at University, pursued music degrees or continued musical performance as a valued hobby. Students must have the ability to play an instrument or sing on commencing the course with the intent of reaching their performance potential by the end of the 2 years.