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A John Leggott student in lesson speaking with his teacher


欢迎来到 John Leggott College 职位空缺页面,在这里您可以查看我们激动人心的新机会。我们努力


请在下面找到我们目前的职位空缺。要申请,您需要下载支持文件和申请表.如果您想了解有关我们出色的大学或职位空缺的更多信息,请通过电子邮件联系我们的人力资源团队 on

所有任命均需经过增强的 DBS 检查和参考许可。

Current Vacancies

Evening Cleaner

20 hours per week

Day Cleaner

25 hours per week

Trips, Visits & Events Support Assistant


Parent Governor


International Student Host Family

Paid up to £6000 per year for term time accommodation

We'd love to meet you! If you'd like to visit the college before making a formal application, please contact our HR team on - we'd be more than happy to show you around the campus to give you a feel for life at JLC.

校园位于北林肯郡斯肯索普的一个宜人地点,交通便利,距离 M180 仅 10 分钟路程,该高速公路直接由 M18 和 M1 提供。


有关斯肯索普及其周边地区的更多信息,请访问 North Lincs 议会网站这里。


Our Values

促进 John Leggott Sixth Form College 的开放式大学风气,每个人都有一席之地。

我们有 50 年的历史,通过以下方式帮助学生实现梦想:

  • 提高期望、抱负和促进抱负

  • 以高水平的成就为基础,确保所有学生在 JLC 内外都能发挥自己的潜力

  • 在我们所做的每一件事中提倡负责任的行为和友好的态度

  • 确保 JLC 社区的所有成员平等获得所有机会和服务

  • 为 JLC 的每个人保持公平和非歧视的待遇

  • 促进和庆祝对多样性的积极态度

  • 维持高水平的高等教育和就业机会

  • 积极促进社会包容,扩大参与

  • 听取学生的意见并向他们学习,并根据他们的意见采取行动

How to Apply

To apply for any of our roles, please complete an Application Form and email the completed version to the HR Administrator. Please note: unfortunately CV's will not be accepted.


Download the application form here and return to HR via:

All applications received will go on to the shortlisting process. We will inform all unsuccessful candidates by email. Successful candidates will be invited to attend a formal interview on the given date in the advert. Staff involved in the interview process are Safer Recruitment trained to ensure we continue to have a positive and transparent workplace.

“The college strongly believes that the interview process is a two-way process. As much as it is about us finding the suitable person for the role, it is about you deciding if this is the role for you. We have different tasks to help you get to know the college and staff you will be working with and designed to give you the opportunity to show your skills and personality.”

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