Our International Officer plays a crucial role in helping students from all over the world navigate their daily life and studies whilst enrolled at John Leggott College.
Ellie Pugsley, our International Officer, works closely with International students to provide guidance and support as they adjust to life in a new environment. Ellie can help with everything from starting the application process, securing visas, finding the right accommodation and finally offering daily support during a student's JLC journey.
Students should feel not only valued and respected, but also supported in all aspects of their college experience.

Progress Tutors 作为学生的第一联系人,通过一对一会议和小组辅导提供教牧和学术支持,学生能够反思他们的学业进步并深入了解他们在 JLC 之后的升学选择。
当学生开始他们的 JLC 之旅时,他们将被指派一名进步导师。学生可以在整个大学周的任何时候访问他们的 Progress Tutor。

The Aspire Programme
The Aspire programme supports students to succeed in their academic futures. We have two distinct routes, Aspire Oxbridge and Aspire MDV.
The Aspire Oxbridge programme sets out to support students considering applying to Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
This programme guides students through the application process and gives them the opportunity to develop academically and intellectually by exploring the subject far beyond the A Level syllabus. Oxford and Cambridge universities are amongst the best in the world, recruiting globally. This means there is considerable competition for places. We are proud to help our students consistently secure places at Oxford & Cambridge, with JLC students receiving offers at twice the national average rate!
The Aspire Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science programme supports students applying to courses that will lead to careers in these professions. This programme guides students through the application process and gives them the opportunity to develop academically and as a professional practitioner by exploring their vocation both in the classroom and the workplace. Students have been successfully securing places at Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Schools with John Leggott College for over fifty years! Students can expect detailed individual guidance and support at each stage of the process, led by a specialist careers tutor with many years’ experience and academic input from specialists in the field.

我们的学习者途径团队在我们的学习者旅程中发挥着关键作用,从预注册到他们选择的升学目的地提供支持。如果学习者需要关于在 JLC 学习哪些课程、下一步进入深造或高等教育、寻找新工作机会或学徒计划的建议;学院的专业职业顾问随时为您提供帮助。
Learner Pathway 团队与各种地方和国立大学以及雇主密切合作,以确保学习者能够获得广泛的机会和资源,以支持学习者实现他们未来的愿望。
每个学生都有机会获得直接的职业和发展支持——从入学前到在校建议和职业规划,再到 UCAS 和非 UCAS 申请支持,为学习者提供开启未来成功和充分发挥潜力的钥匙。
学生服务是所有大学查询的第一站。我们有友好的工作人员,他们可以帮助您进行广泛的查询,并提供有关许多大学服务的关键信息。该团队管理所有学生资助计划,如果您想讨论交通、购买印刷学分、报告缺勤、支付旅行费用或 购买停车许可证,他们是可以交谈的人。

Award Winning
John Leggott College 的所有工作人员都致力于支持学生的健康和福祉。学生在大学期间得到支持和快乐是很重要的。在大学里,我们有一个专门的福利团队,他们帮助确保学生在精神、情感和身体上都健康。该团队与学生、教学人员和教牧人员密切合作,以确保支持学生处理他们遇到的任何问题。

© 2022 约翰莱戈特学院 | 电话: +44(0)172 4282 998 | Email: info@leggott.ac.uk | 隐私和 Cookie。
John Leggott College, West Common Lane, Scunthorpe, 北林肯郡, DN17 1DS.